O nas

BIASTUDIO jest wiodącym biurem architektonicznym zajmującym się projektowaniem budynków i wnętrz, konserwacją bundynków, nadzorem budowlanym oraz doradztwem w budownictwie.

Architecture and urban planning are closely related, as both fields deal with the design of the spaces in which we live. Architecture focuses on the design of buildings and their functionality, while urban planning deals with the planning and organization of urban spaces, such as streets, squares, parks, or green

Contemporary architecture is a fascinating field that is constantly evolving, inspired by modern trends and innovative solutions. Within contemporary architecture, there is a wealth of diverse types and styles, each with its own unique features and functions.

Designing a house is a process that requires taking into account many aspects, such as choosing the right design, working with an architect, or adapting the plan to the specifics of the plot. In this article, we will present a comprehensive guide that will help you go through all stages

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